Image by Keoki Seu via Flickr
Recently, I just watched one of the recent movies Ashton Kutcher had, along with Katherine Heigl. The movie was entitled “Killers”. One of the featured places in the movie was how beautiful Nice is. It is actually one of the famous places in France—and this is definitely where one of our prestigious language schools is located.
That’s why, if you are so interested to learn French at language schools, the best place to go for a learning—and a vacation as well—is definitely in Europe.
Seeing how physically beautiful Nice is makes me personally want to go there. Of course, the movie also features how the main actor and actress have a short French conversation. Katherine Heigl’s role as Jen simply responded “Bonjour” since everyone seems to be familiar with it. But during the conversation, Ashton Kutcher being Spencer in the movie chatted with her using French language! It definitely made Jen’s nose bleed figuratively.
So much about them movie, let’s tackle about how great European places like France and Switzerland makes the best place to learn French language. In France, you will have the following places you can choose to: Lyon, Montpellier, Paris, and Nice. In Switzerland, you can choose Montreux. Or, you can even choose Antibes if you want a difference place at all.
Do you know that French is the eleventh most widely-spoken language in the world? This language is also ranked to be the official language of 33 countries worldwide, including the two famous countries mentioned above. English is the common language in Europe, but next to it is also French. Hearing its pronunciation and how the accent of it makes every listener enticed to really learn the language. It’s definitely a good language to learn, you know.
You can even get lots of employment advantages when you are fluent or professional with the language. You can engage yourself in international business and agencies, the tourism and hospitality industries, diplomatic services, or even French research institutes. For simpler employment options, becoming a French language teacher or an interpreter/translator. You have lots of options when you are knowledgeable with French language, you know!
So what are you tarrying at? If you are interested to learn French language then takes the opportunity to travel Europe. You will not just enjoy the places in itself, but you will also have a quality time learning a new language.