Sharon Griffin and I are delighted to have had our sculpture, ‘Bound’, shortlisted for the 2024 Leamington Spa Open. We dropped it off at the gallery a couple of days ago and are keeping our fingers crossed that it will be selected.
Wayne Chisnall & Sharon Griffin with 'Bound' at Leamington Spa Gallery & Museum
Along with several other of mine and Sharon’s sculptures (from our ‘Unlockdown’ art collaboration), ‘Bound’ had previously been exhibited at the Crafts Council’s Collect art fair at Somerset House in London, from when Sharon and I had been selected to take part through the Collect Open.
'Bound', a ceramic and textile collaboration between artists Wayne Chisnall and Sharon Griffin
Last seen in 2022, the Leamington Spa Open has been a regular and popular feature of Leamington Spa Art Gallery and Museum’s programme since the 1930s.