Books Magazine

Leah Page Answers Questions About Her New Book, Georgiana Darcy’s Magical Meddling

By Mariagrazia @SMaryG
Leah Page Answers Questions About Her New Book, Georgiana Darcy’s Magical Meddling
In her new lovely novel, Georgiana Darcy’s Magical Meddling, Leah Page weaves a delightful tale where the classic world of Jane Austen meets the charm of witchcraft. Georgiana Darcy, newly aware of her magical abilities, uses her powers to assist her brother Fitzwilliam Darcy in his quest for true love. With a mix of humor, heart, and a dash of magic, Page crafts a narrative that offers fresh insights into the beloved characters of Pride and Prejudice

The story is narrated through Georgiana's diary, providing a candid and often humorous perspective on the unfolding events. Readers will laugh out loud at the witty exchanges and endearing mishaps, particularly those involving the meddling magic. The dynamics between characters, such as Georgiana’s friendship with Kitty Bennet and Mrs. Bennet’s maternal affection for her, add depth and warmth to the story.

Page’s skillful writing ensures that even the most iconic moments from Austen’s original work are given a fresh twist, making this a must-read for fans of Pride and Prejudice variations, regency romances, and paranormal fiction alike.

In our exclusive interview, Leah Page shares the inspiration behind her novel and much more. Ready to scroll down and  virtually join us? 


Leah Page Answers Questions About Her New Book, Georgiana Darcy’s Magical Meddling

What inspired you to write this book?

For the most part, I read in three genres: Pride and Prejudice variations, regency romance, and paranormal romances. This book is what happened in my mind when two of those genres collided. I knew I wanted a character to be a witch, and after running through possibilities in my mind, I couldn’t resist Georgiana’s voice repeating, “Pick me, pick me!” The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to explore it. Before I started writing, I imagined how she might intervene at various parts of the story, but ultimately, I chose to have her attend Netherfield with her brother. Her influence shifted the entire arc of ODC’s relationship.

Aside from being a witch, what else should we know about Georgiana?

As she is often portrayed in many other JAFF variations, this Georgiana is introverted. She does not enjoy being the center of attention and she is sometimes shy in company. However, because we have the privilege of reading her diary entries, the reader will also learn that she is funny, irreverent, a prankster, and very determined. One thing I find most endearing about her is that she is prone to jumping headfirst into magical mayhem. There are times when it works out to her advantage, and other times when it does not.

How does Georgiana’s magical ability influence her personality and actions throughout the story?

Magic doesn’t impact Georgiana’s personality. She was probably just as funny and cheeky before she learned of her power. Therefore, it’s likely that she would have always wished to knock Miss Bingley down a peg or two. What magic changed is her ability to act on the desires of her inner voice. With the help of her newfound powers, she can do as she wishes while remaining outside the spotlight.

It is important to remember that Georgiana is a 16-year-old girl who has been sheltered all her life. One day she thought she was a normal teenager; the next day she learned she had hidden supernatural talents. As it would be for any teen on the brink of womanhood, the ability to secretly cast spells and manipulate situations proves too powerful to resist.

How does Georgiana’s magic influence Elizabeth and Darcy’s romance?

On the first page of the book, Georgiana reveals that the tea leaves have indicated her brother will meet his one true love at the Meryton assembly. She is thrilled by the prospect and devises a magical way to watch the proceedings from her room at Netherfield. Unfortunately, what she witnesses is the terrible insult with which all Pride and Prejudice fans are familiar.

Knowing that it will be difficult, if not impossible, for Miss Elizabeth to overlook the slight, Georgiana devises a magical plan to help Mr. Darcy win his true love’s good opinion. The diary captures Mr. Darcy’s attempts to master his pride and find his way toward love.

In the book, Georgiana casts many unique spells. Which one is your favorite?

I like them all, but for different reasons. There are spells that prove she is powerful and talented, and others that remind us that she is a young girl who still has a lot of maturing left to do. One of my favorite spells falls firmly in the latter’s camp.

At one point in the story, Georgiana becomes irritated by Mr. Collins, so she places a “two steps forward, four steps back” spell on him. The result had me giggling as I wrote it. You’ll have to read the book for yourself to see how she employs it, but if you wish to cast it on your own Mr. Collins just say:

Step twice forth, yet four times flee,

A dance of steps, enforced by thee.

Backward's grasp, four steps you'll take,

Forward's path, is now at stake.

The cover includes a fairy. Should we expect magical creatures in this book?

I don’t want to give too much away, so I will only say that Georgiana receives assistance with some of her most challenging magical tasks.

If you won’t tell us about mythical creatures, will you at least tell us about charmed items? Can we expect flying books and talking teapots?

While there are no talking teapots in the book, there are several charmed items. Georgiana’s efforts to spy on her brother lead to the invention of a magical broadcast (a.k.a., regency television) and text notifications. There are other spelled items mentioned in the book, but those two were my favorites to write.

Where can we find your book?

Georgiana Darcy’s Magical Meddling is available on Amazon in e-book and paperback formats. It is available through Kindle Unlimited.

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Leah Page Answers Questions About Her New Book, Georgiana Darcy’s Magical Meddling

About the Book

Sixteen-year-old Georgiana Darcy harbors a secret—she's recently discovered she is a witch! Under the tutelage of a wise and witchy companion, she spends her days casting spells and plotting the occasional hex against the irksome Miss Bingley.

When the tea leaves reveal that her brother, Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, is destined to meet his one true love at a local assembly, Georgiana cannot resist using her newfound powers to eavesdrop. Unfortunately, the encounter is far from magical. Fitzwilliam's clumsy attempts at affection are doomed without her intervention. Armed with her trusty diary and a knack for magical mischief, Georgiana vows to document—and secretly improve—each of her brother's courtship efforts, ensuring he never strays from his path to true love. But when Lady Catherine de Bourgh senses a budding romance, the stakes rise.

Will the fledgling witch secure her brother’s happiness and manage the magical realm’s unpredictable twists? Or will her enchanted endeavors fizzle just when she needs them the most?

Humorous, heartfelt, and utterly enchanting, Georgiana Darcy's Magical Meddling invites you to experience Darcy and Elizabeth’s romance through the eyes of a clever, charming, and slightly meddlesome young witch. Her diary isn't just a record of magical mayhem—it's a confirmation of the love, laughter, and lunacy that make up her witchy life.

About the Author

Leah Page loves books, hiking, and the Bengals (Who Dey!).She has a passion for travel, is doing her best to learn Spanish, and has plans to live “a little bit of everywhere” when her husband retires. For now, you can find her sitting at her writing desk in Kentucky while her sidekick pup sleeps in her lap.  

Leah writes Pride and Prejudice fan fiction. If you would like to learn more, visit

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