Was I ready for that 'After Hours' behaviour? No and yes, all the same that night out with a difference definitely was something to remember for many reasons. Paris, already had me curious about the 'Le Marais' Gaybourhood but I knew nothing until that Sunday night fronted me! Telling the truth, Paris unexpectedly allowed me to reconnect with a Far Eastern energy, P!

My 'Destination' day had served up the most, alongside those landmark discoveries those culture-bites had me feeling satisfied. Keeping things legit for the most part of that second day in Paris had me looking for something that would be seriously 'underground' and then some! I headed back on the Paris Metro because I had a 'Goncourt' station to stop at. I was damn right curious to check out that unmarked location because I wanted to. Paris had no place to question me because I was in-control of my senses, noticing that sense of 'growth' in my character impressed me much! Unlocking the door, at first I felt such a trepidation because life has been quite sheltered since I traded my independent life in China for the family home in England. I shook of those nerves and paid my entrance paper, enough said I quickly found myself within a darkened environment with a whole world reopened up to me. Twenty two year old me, he wouldn't have wasted time but a decade later had me acting very differently. Oh my Paris! Non!
Within that darkened environment, I self-navigated through that maze-like situation, Paris showed me that she's spicy! For once in my life I sat back and observed, it wasn't going to be like that Seoul, South Korea vibe because I had my exit plan solidified. Not such a Seoul situation, I did make some communication and effective it definitely was I can say hand on heart! Tempted by such things that were on offer, I talked myself out of that dance with the devil because I knew better! You better know that my experience within that environment was something else, I surveyed and paid attention to what was surrounding me but I refrained. Getting back to street level saw me slipping back on the the metro, I needed a refresh before I headed out that night! Hitting 'Le Marais' felt correct, I needed a strong drink and with that said I chose a street facing table. My new view wasn't all that different, at street level there were no complaints. Le Marais served looks with those Parisian gentlemen nearby, with a drink in hand, I had seen a lot worse!

After the successes of 'Drag Race France' and my planned visit to Paris already booked, I wanted to at least find some Drag during an 'After Hours' moment. I had already missed the boat for the 'Drag Race France Live' events that had been scheduled before and after my booked dates. Giving that dream up, I was at peace because the following evening would see me attending the 'Moulin Rouge' and that was going to be 'CAMP' enough! Ditching any evening meal for the time being, I ordered my second drink of the night at 'Holy Mess'. Of course, other venues stood open during that nighttime hour but I already knew that a heavy night on tiles wasn't going to be the mood. I would enjoy my drinks. embrace that Paris moment with nothing but positive vibes. Finding that most bars within Le Marais area served a standard lager, that reasonably priced drink would do for me! Champagne? Not yet! I did see one Drag Queen at Holy Mess but she was primarily on the door, no shade I didn't see any 'Kam Hugh' resemblance. Je suis désolé, M?
I loved the vibe at Holy Mess, it was amazing to people watch and listen to those Frenglish conversations. By chance I was able to strike up a conversation with a Taiwanese guy who was also enjoying the night with a drink. I had noticed him a little before, it was pretty clear the lack of diversity told me that chance I had was golden! I was able to flex my Chinese skills on him because I overhead that he said he was from Taiwan, making sure my accent didn't sound too Beijing, I introduced myself. It was like a breath of fresh to learn about Taiwan in that moment and in Mandarin Chinese! He was shocked that I could speak Chinese, rusty as it stands to be without much practice since 2020, I made the best of my crumbling vocabulary. Holy Mess carried on with proceedings that Sunday night whilst our conversation carried on forth. The night so far had been mildly chaotic, comprised with twists and turns, frankly I wanted to put the breaks on because I was feeling hungry! Bidding a fond farewell to my Taiwanese friend, bye!

Damn right, that far off serving of 'Beouf Bourgiugnon' no longer sustained me! Exiting Holy Mess before an ungodly hour had to be done, I listened to my stomach for once rather than my liver! A kebab it had to be! I was able to clock a recognisable 'Döner Kebab' in lights as I walked through those quiet Marais streets in Paris, France. What was I honestly thinking? I had no intention to get 'wasted', I simply wanted a kebab and my hostel bunk in my life rather than a raging hangover the next day! Ordering my kebab was the right thing to do and I knew in that moment that 'Drag Race España' Season 2 finalist, 'Estrella Extravaganza' would have agreed that 'post night-out' snack was a winning choice! You know what? I loved munching on my kebab as I exited Le Marais, the walk along the Seine River back to my hostel was a fine one. That evening into nighttime moment had me feeling '32' because it struck midnight as I walked towards 'Sully-Morland'. Oh, those drinks and kebab had been the ticket to wrap up that chaos!
So, did I return to Le Marais after that introductory night out? Yes, I absolutely did! Sticking to 'Quetzal Bar', I liked their colourful decor and their reasonably priced beer went down well. Having the same again after my evening spent at the 'Moulin Rouge' ended my birthday night well, I didn't feel any incessant urge to 'get on it' because spending my money on alcohol in that fashion in Paris wasn't the mood for that trip. On the final evening of my trip, I jumped off the train from Disneyland for a final drink within Le Marais. It was practically evening during that early Thursday evening period, calling it a night after that first drink was the right thing to do. 'After Hours' in Paris, France saw me turning over a new leaf, I was able to have a night-out of sorts without writing off the following day. Looking back at previous birthdays, I feel like growth isn't a bad thing. Le Marais looked after me, it was a place for new conversation. Hand on heart, doing things the European way felt correct, did I play the part of a cultured Brit Abroad? Sure!
Le Marais... Shantay You Stay!
Desperately Seeking Adventure