Celeb Magazine

Lauren Bowles Talks Random Things You May Not Know About Her

Posted on the 14 July 2013 by Tbfansource @tbfansource

Lauren Bowles Holly

Lauren Bowles‘ character Holly Cleary on True Blood has been involved in the witch battle, had her boyfriend father fairy quintuplets and has been raising two challenging boys of her own.  Bowles recently answered some random questions for Buzz Feed and revealed what the wallpaper on her phone is, the word she’s guilty of using too often, and her favorite reality show.  Check out some of the questions and answers below and then click here to see them all.

What’s Your Wallpaper on your phone and/or computer?

A picture of my daughter Fia.

What one word are you guilty of using too often?

“Brilliant” or “brill” if I’m trying to sound hip.

What’s your favorite reality show?

Intervention.  Or any show chronicling obese people losing weight.

Who is your girl crush?

Vera Farmiga

Be sure to check out the entire list to see Lauren’s interesting answer to whether she would choose Nutella or bacon, and what the first album is she ever bought for herself!

Source:  BuzzFeed.com – Tell Us About Yourself(ie): Lauren Bowles

Image Credit: HBO

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