Celeb Magazine

Lauren Bowles Discusses a Looming War with ET

Posted on the 05 July 2013 by Tbfansource @tbfansource

Last we saw Holly Cleary (Lauren Bowles) she was taking up arms in case she ever needed to shoot any rogue vampires with Sheriff Andy Bellefleur (Chris Bauer). After taking in the fact that his previously newborn daughters had rapidly aged, Holly might not be done with Andy after all. Lauren Bowles recently spoke with Entertainment Tonight about Andy’s situation and the fight for survival our characters find themselves in.

Holly was initially introduced at the end of season 3 as a Wiccan to help set up for the witch storyline of season 4. After it ended, Lauren was happy that the character survived and has continued to do so thus far. She couldn’t say whether the character would survive this season. But the actress says she has enjoyed the journey so far and is happy where things ended up going. But now that she’s speaking to Andy again, don’t expect her to help him out so quickly:

“No way, Holly is still pissed about the cheating, so she’s washed her hands of him … in the beginning. But at the same time, she’s a compassionate soul and recognizes that Andy is in over his head with these girls, so it’s hard for her to completely wash her hands of the situation. I had such a good time exploring Holly’s Wiccan side, but I love that this year is much more about exploring her personal life and their relationship — which gets a lot more complicated.”

As for the gun Holly was seen shooting in the last episode, could it be a foreshadowing of things to come? Maybe. Bowles says the seeds for certain stories are being planted very early on:

“Nothing is accidental on our show. They’re definitely planting seeds in these early episodes more so than ever before. This year is the season of survival for everyone — vampires and humans alike now that True Blood is gone. There’s a war a’brewing because nobody knows what the f*ck is going on.”

And that means everyone is in survival mode. Lauren says she’s excited for fans to see the way in which the characters ban together in a crisis and the sense of community it creates:

 ”…To really see what happens to everybody when they’re in survival mode – through that, their [sense of] community really comes out. You have to band together otherwise you’re a goner. For me, it was really fun to see who teams up, how they do it and how they survive. There are so many dynamics at play because this is like survival mode on steroids.”

Doing so allowed Lauren to work with actors she hasn’t gotten the chance to work with yet and she even hints at what we could expect for next season:

 ”It’s so funny that you can be on a show with all these people and only see them at the table reads. Without giving anything away, I will say that the battle really allows every character to align with people you wouldn’t expect. It’s all coming to a head and towards the end of the season, you’ll see a lot less separateness as the show moves towards something that’s more like what it started as. And then the finale is crazy. I mean, insane. The whole show blows up and it’s such a great starting point for next year. I almost would say, more than any other year, this finale sets up a totally exciting and very new feeling season”

Source: ET Online.com- “‘True Blood’ Star Previews Looming War”

Image Credit: HBO, Inc.

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