Travel Magazine

Last Week (5)

By Travelspot06 @travelspot06
Have you ever felt like your brain only operated for a few minutes at a time? Do you know how lawyers bill in 6 minute increments? My brain lately has been billing in 6 minute increments. Once the 6 minutes is over, a new billing cycle begins and the old one is forgotten, paid, finished. You know when you walk into the kitchen to get a spoon and when you go through the doorway you just stand there for a few minutes, wondering what you came in for? That's been happening to me more and more. It happens mostly at work but has been trickling into my personal life as well. I blame technology. It seems we  rarely focus on any one thing for very long any more.
Since I can't concentrate enough to form a paragraph, I will let some photos tell my story of last week for me.
MONDAY: I wore an appropriate outfit to work. Go Giants! Then I went to the game, which we won.  World Series Baby!! Sorry Nilsa.
Last Week (5) Last Week (5)
TUESDAY, it was unseasonably hot.  I took a nice walk for lunch and enjoyed every minute of it.    Last Week (5)
WEDNESDAY: An evening trail run is always nice.  It always makes me feel refreshed.  Even when it's halfway run in the dark.   Last Week (5)
 THURSDAY: I took a walk around the neighborhood to check out the decorations.  This was my favorite. 
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SATURDAY:  I took advantage of the sun and went for a run in the headlands.  You could see the city as clear as day. This is not always the case.
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SUNDAY: Broski's first half marathon.  He lived to tell the tale! (more on that later)
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Since our forecast was rain (which we are getting),  it's important to harvest your veggies or they may spoil.   This meant LOTS of peppers.  So I dried some. And made some into this.  It will knock your socks off.
 Last Week (5)
 Who needs socks, anyway? 
How was your weekend? Do you decorate for Halloween? Have you ever tried canning fruits or veggies?

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