Food & Drink Magazine

Last Minute Table Decor Ideas

By Ally @allykitchen

OK, don't think you have what it takes to make a dazzling table for Christmas Eve dinner or Christmas Day dinner? Think again. Just put on your magic lightbulb thinkin' cap, and you'll see that it's all there. All you need to do is put it together.

In 2014 we were in Colorado for Christmas, and we had this most enchanting 'cowboy' Christmas. I wanted to try to recreate some of some extent in South Carolina where this Christmas the temperature will be near 80! You'll see some snippets of that in this table. And, this year, 2015, it's going to be a small intimate dining experience with just grownups enjoying the sparkles, glitter and twinkle of the evening.

Quick and easy ideas! And, remember these ideas can be adapted for any dining occasion or holiday. Here's to creating your own life magic at your dining table wherever that may be!
~peace love & namaste~ ally

Buffalo Checked Napkins~for that cowboy feel~WalMart also has bandanas that you can use as napkins getting that home on the range feel!

last minute table decor ideas


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