If you haven't seen this movie, its about an impressionable boy who's only crime is to love the movies, so much so that he skips school to go, only to be pulled into a level of ultraviolence parading as fun as Schwarzenegger mugs for the camera. He learns a very valuable lesson in that violence always gets you what you want. #murica

(Yes I know this movie is a parody of action movies - in case you were starting to draft a comment about it)
Here's the thing that puts a damper on the whole production.
This face:

None of this bodes well.

This movie has probably one of the best lines of dialog ever written: "What you want a bunch of guys dancing and throwing cocaine at each other? Just kick the door in!"

Arnold "Got to catch the red eye."
(slow applause)

Given that this is the year 2014 and we've seen horrific headlines over the past few years, I don't think I need to describe how unsettling this scene was.
Hilariously (I guess) Arnold 1 and Arnold 2 end up in the same theater together, each one trying to out act the other. Again, a great idea in the pitch room. In practice, its just two hammy guys winking at the camera.

Or this kid is explaining something in a high whiny voice...

One might argue that that's pretty much most action movies of the 80s and 90s, but I'll tell you this. At least Die Hard didn't ask a child to murder.
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