Culture Magazine

Language Learning in Children

By Bbenzon @bbenzon
Super excited to talk tomorrow (July 30th, 3pm pacific) at Abralin ao Vivo about joint with Yuan Yang. I'll be presenting a long-running project on language acquisition that tackles language learnability questions with Bayesian program learning tools.
Here's a summary thread. — steven t. piantadosi (@spiantado) July 29, 2020

A bunch of tweets go here. Then:
But *the* thing that domain general learning systems do is create domain specific representations. That's what happens in math, reading, or driving. They all get domain specific representations from domain general mechanisms. — steven t. piantadosi (@spiantado) July 29, 2020

I think Borges is a pretty important work in information theory: — steven t. piantadosi (@spiantado) July 29, 2020

So, you can learn many of the formal structures that have been argued to be necessary for language, using simple, domain-general tools. Maybe this will help to connect language acquisition to algorithm and concept learning found elsewhere in cognitive science. — steven t. piantadosi (@spiantado) July 29, 2020

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