Humor Magazine

Lamar Odom – I Don’t Care

By Christopher De Voss @chrisdevoss

Perhaps you’ve heard that former NBA player and current Kardashian victim, Lamar Odom has fallen ill most unexpectedly. What kind of world do we live in where a man can’t safely spend $78,000 on hookers and binge on cocaine? Fortunately, we have news outlets in the US to keep us up on this important story – his progress, setbacks and visitors.

I’ll Say It. I Don’t Care.

Let’s face it. Most of us don’t care. This guy was a decent player in a league that many of us don’t watch. Emphasis on was. Now, he remains in the spotlight through his association with the Kardashian family.

i-dont-care 2

Make it your profile picture. Rise up against them. (image by

And yesterday, the news broke that, in the aftermath of being hospitalized following his binge on prostitutes and coke, Mr. Odom and Khloe Kardashian have decided not to go through with their divorce. What rapturous news that was! The only people not thrilled with this news are marriage counselors who have apparently been hiding the fact that getting cranked up on Peruvian flake and romping with hookers is the solution to marital woes.

OK, I’m not thrilled either, and I’m thinking there’s a pretty good chance that you’re not…because we don’t care. We don’t care, and we’re sick of being treated as if we do.

I know this sounds like I don’t have any empathy, but I do. I am an empathetic guy. Ask anyone who hasn’t overdosed on cocaine and dropped eighty grand in a brothel, I’m very concerned about their problems. But this guy brought this, and the Kardashians, upon himself.

I’ve talked to others who, like me, are sick of this story. Sick of Lamar. Sick of Khloe and her sisters. Sick of it on the news. Sick of it on Facebook. Sick of it on Twitter. Sick of it with a fox. Sick of it in a box.

Rise Up!

It is time for us to fight back. I want a social media movement. I want it to trend on Facebook and Twitter. I want the world to know that we don’t care!

Let’s use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram – anything you’ve got a password for – to spread this post and let people like us know they aren’t alone. It’s OK not to care about Lamar’s self-induced problems. It’s OK to be sick of the Kardashians. It’s OK to hear that after $78,000 worth of hookers and coke that these two are reuniting and say “oh, that sounds like a fucking brilliant idea”.

Show the world how little you care by changing your social media profile picture to the photo in this post. Together, we can send these folks back to the gossip rags and tv shows, where they belong.



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