
Bishop Frank Summerfield passed away two months ago on July 2nd, from an unspecified illness and now his wife Joenell Summerfield has passed we have learned, she was 61.
Bishop Frank Summerfield and his wife Joenell Summerfield co-pastored the Word of God Fellowship Church and Academy in Raleigh, North Carolina together.
In a statement released to the Christian Post, the church announced Summerfield’s passing.
“It is with great sadness that the Word of God Fellowship Church Ministries announces the passing of Overseer JoeNell Summerfield, Co-Founder and Co-Pastor of Word of God Fellowship Church, Academy, and Daycare in Raleigh, NC,” the church announced in a brief statement.
The church said she passed September 9th, but did not say what caused her death.
We do know she took ill back in January, because Bishop T.D. Jakes had asked for prayers for “healing” for Lady Joenell on his Instagram page.
First Lady Summerfield , wife of Bishop Frank Summerfield is in desperate need of healing. I just left her bedside in Raleigh agreeing with the family in prayer. Please join me in interceding for her! She really needs a touch from God. You don't need to call or go by…… just send urgent prayer! Thank you! @bishopsummerfield
A post shared by TD Jakes (@bishopjakes) on Jan 29, 2017 at 3:04pm PST
Lady JoeNell Summerfield and her husband, Bishop Frank Summerfield, founded Word of God Fellowship in Raleigh 22 years ago and served as co-pastors there.
Bishop Frank Summerfield was 67 when he passed.
Funeral services for Lady Joenell Summerfield are happening Monday, and according to reports Bishop T.D. Jakes will be overseeing the services.
Our prayers are with the Word of God Fellowship Church during this time.
Pic Credit: Bishop Jakes IG/Church Website