Lady JoeNell Summerfield memorial service was held yesterday at Word of God Fellowship Church and Academy in Raleigh, North Carolina. Her four children, who are mourning the death of both of their parents shared with the congregation that this has been a traumatic year.
The Summerfield children, who are all in ministry lost their father, Bishop Frank Summerfield, Jul 2nd from an undisclosed illness, and their mother, Lady JoeNell Summerfield passed away two months later on Sept. 9th.
As the Summerfield children gathered around the podium, it was the youngest, Joshua Summerfield who spoke these words:
“To be honest with you I really don’t feel particularly like speaking because of the fact that this whole year, if I can be honest, if I can be human, has been very traumatic,” said Joshua during a live broadcast of the memorial service.
“I would say that we’re standing strong, tall and we’re gonna continue to do the same thing because I believe that the way our parents taught us in the ministry, as leaders we have to stand strong, tall so that the flock can continue to do the same,” he said.
All four of the Summerfield children are in ministry according to the Christian Post, Frank Summerfield Jr. is an elder and minister of music. Mitchell Summerfield is an elder and the COO of the church. Their sister, Valisha S. Fowles, is human resources and payroll director and elder, while Joshua is the church’s youth minister.