
Lady Cries Bitterly As Boyfriend Denies Responsibility After Informing Him She’s Pregnant [Video]

Posted on the 11 August 2023 by Naijaparry
HomeLady Cries Bitterly Boyfriend Denies Responsibility After Informing She’s Pregnant [Video] /Naija Gossip 247/Lady Cries Bitterly As Boyfriend Denies Responsibility After Informing Him She's Pregnant [Video]

Young lady has gone online to cry bitterly after her boyfriend who got her pregnant denied being responsible as she seeks opinion on what to do.

The young lady revealed that she's only 18 years old and mistakenly got pregnant with a guy who has now abandoned her.

In the Viral video, the 18-year-old was seen crying bitterly over being jilted by the man she had allowed get her pregnant.

She added that she's in a dilemma as to how to reveal her condition to her parents.

According to her, the sickness that came with her pregnant condition has made her body weak, and she mostly stays in her room to cry.

Watch the video below;

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