Current Magazine

Ladder Injury Statistics

Posted on the 05 September 2012 by Infographixdirectory @infographixdir

The infographic displays information on ladder statistics based on gender, age and types of ladder amongst other. The infographic was created to raise awareness about the potential hazards that using a ladder can create. As specialists in ladders, Ladders Direct is always looking to promote the proper use with ladder safety and encouraging employers to get their employees to undertake training. Ladders Direct we would like to thank the Royal Society for the Prevention of accidents (ROSPA) and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) as without their great research and statistics they would never have been able to create this handy infographic. We hope you find this infographic useful and remember, when using ladders – stay safe!

Ladder Accidents Infographic

Infographic Source: Ladders Direct

Ladder Accidents

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