Debate Magazine

"Lack of Women in London's Refuse Collection Sector 'disappointing'"

Posted on the 15 June 2015 by Markwadsworth @Mark_Wadsworth

From The Evening Standard:
More than one in four companies involved in waste management in London employ no women at board level, new figures claimed today.
According to the survey of more than 1,600 experts, leaders and investors, published today, 23 per cent of refuse collection businesses employ no women at all, from entry level to board level. Only 12 per cent had women in management roles.
The study, by the National Waste & Recycling Association, found nearly 60 per cent of respondents do not believe the capital’s waste collection services reflect the city’s diversity because of the lack of women operatives...
Russ Shaw, founder of NWRA, branded the figures “disappointing”.
"For a sector identified with underpinning public health and a green economy, these figures are very disappointing. We live in a city with a global reputation for diversity yet one of our most essential industries fails to reflect this from 'street' level to the most senior positions.
“London Waste & Recycling Week is a chance to showcase the scale of our sector but we must also use it as an opportunity to show women how starting as a dustbin woman can lead to a rewarding career.”

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