Lifestyle Magazine

Lace Nail Tutorial

By Jayfletch22 @Jayfletch22
Hey everybody! I love how cold it is during fall. I figure skated for 13 years, so I am conditioned to withstand pretty cold temperatures.
I also love new fall trends, but miss summer trends dearly. I feel like I fall in love with certain trends, and I don't want to fully give them up!
I decided to try an incorporate a summer and fall trend into one: lace and a metallic color. Try out these nails and let me know how it goes for you! I am not very good at painting my nails or doing any sort of nail art, so if I can do this tutorial, I'm positive that anyone can.
1. Paint your nails 2 coats of any metalic color. I used Ulta's Metallic Mania color from their Metal Mania collection.
Lace Nail Tutorial
Lace Nail Tutorial
As you can tell, I am no good at painting my nails. Thank God for nail polish remover for touch ups!
2. Cut out 10 lace squares big enough to fit over your nails.
Lace Nail Tutorial
3. Paint a clear coat over a nail, and then place a lace square over, and lightly press down with your fingers. Let dry.
Lace Nail Tutorial
4. Paint another coat of clear polish over and let dry. Once dry, use nail trimming scissors or nail clippers to shape the piece of lace to your nail. I used both, but I found that nail trimming scissors worked the best.
Lace Nail Tutorial
Clean them up, and show them off!
Lace Nail Tutorial

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