Entertainment Magazine

Labor Day (2013) Review

Posted on the 27 March 2014 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

Labor Day (2013) ReviewDepressed single mother Adele who only leaves the house once a month ends up with a fugitive in her house. Her son Henry learns things from him and she falls in love with Frank.

Don’t be fooled by the trailer for this film . . . It makes it look totally different to what it actually becomes. I have to start by saying I have not been impressed with the last couple of Josh Brolin films and this one fits into that as well. I was hoping that Kate Winslet would be her usual brilliant self but she is even missing something in this film.

The story does have a few different things going on, as all three of the main characters have issues going on. Adele trying to deal with her depression and staying in the house all of the time and letting Frank in. Henry is growing up and dealing with those feelings especially when he starts to like a girl who has just moved to the town. Frank is dealing with being on the run, but flashbacks of his past and how he ended up in prison.

The only thing that really kept me going was the flashback scenes with Frank to find out if he really did murder someone and if everything was as it actually seemed. I will leave that for you to find out when you watch the film, I just really wanted to know what happened, which is obviously the idea to keep everyone guessing and wondering. Especially with the way he acts towards Adele and Henry.

But other than those things it doesn’t really have much else going, that may sound like quite a lot but it does not feel like it as you are watching and waiting for something big to happen. It never really reaches that big point, which is a shame really. I think I expected too much from this film with Kate Winslet taking the lead as I just found myself disappointed in the end. Getting bored watching a film at the cinema is never a good thing really and that’s how I felt watching this.

I wanted to like it I really did but it just didn’t give me many things to actually like. The acting was pretty strong but that wasn’t enough to really push it through and make me like it a lot and keep me from getting a bit bored. I’m sure the release date of this in the UK had been pushed back a few times, maybe I now know the reason why? Just lacking a few things for me! How did you find Labor Day?

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