There is always something I find so mesmerizing about voyeuristic photography. I know that sounds so incredibly odd and I might lose some people after saying that but I don’t mean it in a creepy way, more in a I am interested in the way others live, way. When we go home and close the door behind us, our lives our completely our own. Whether you walk around your home naked or sing extremely loud in the shower – these are all quirks hidden behind your walls. So when photographers like Gail Albert Halaban capture peoples lives “behind the walls” I am always extremely fascinated. In my latest art find – Paris Views – Gail Albert Halaban captures la vie parisienne so extremely well! You almost feel like you are there, sitting in the room across the way taking in everything the people of Paris are doing. I absolutely love this series and so did a lot of others as GAH followed this session with a NYC series, Out My Window! Her work is incredible and she is definitely one to watch! If you are as captivated with this series as I am you can have a little piece of it via her book Paris Views (Aperture).