The KTVU news station is being sued by Asiana Airlines for broadcasting false names of pilots on the crashed airplane. The station was tricked into reading names of what they thought were the pilots of the airplane. After confirming with the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) that indeed the names received were correct the station aired them during a Friday noon broadcast.
Here’s the clip:
After returning from a break, the news reporter apologized after learning that in fact the names were erroneous. The news station has since vehemently apologized. Many are outraged at what they deem to be racially offensive names. Additionally, an internal investigation uncovered that the NTSB “official” the news station spoke to was really a summer intern (who has since been fired).
The NTSB released a statement:
“…in response to an inquiry from a media outlet, a summer intern acted outside the scope of his authority when he erroneously confirmed the names of the flight crew of the aircraft.”
Asiana Airlines is suing the news station for damaging the airline’s reputation.
First of all, I don’t really see how this gaffe negatively affected the airline. I think they should be more worried about one of their airplanes crashing. That seems like it more adversely affects the reputation of the airline. But what do I know.
So who is to blame for this gaffe?
The NTSB is definitely to blame. The news station for so easily and sheepishly believing what should so glaringly looks like a prank. Maybe if someone read these names out loud they would quickly know it was a hoax. I don’t really blame the reporter. I can see how a live TV reporter simply reads off the teleprompter. I wonder if the person making the graphic thought anything was wrong.
Who do you think is to blame?
Do you think the airline can/should sue the news station?
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