Celeb Magazine

Kristin Bauer Speaks Out for Tony the Tiger

Posted on the 11 April 2011 by Thevault @The_Vault

Kristin Bauer Speaks Out for Tony the Tiger"The stench of fuel. The deafening sound of diesel engines. The neverending boredom of captivity and isolation. Such are the conditions in which Tony, a 10-year-old Siberian-Bengal tiger, has spent every day and night of the last decade at the Tiger Truck Stop in Grosse Tete, Louisiana. It’s no life for a tiger, or any other animal. That’s why the Animal Legal Defense Fund has filed a lawsuit in Louisiana, arguing that the permit that allows Tony to languish in a roadside cage violates state law."

Kristin Bauer has teamed with the Animal Legal Defense Fund in the fight to free Tony.

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