TV & Video Magazine

Kristin Bauer and Joe Manganiello Talk True Blood Movie

Posted on the 08 July 2014 by Thevault @The_Vault

There’s been a lot of talk about a possible True Blood movie, but so far nothing has come of it. However, both Kristin Bauer van Straten and Joe Manganiello have ideas about the topic as we see below:

Kristin+Bauer+van+Straten+La+Bare+Premieres+4rpg_l0SPDjlKRISTIN BAUER VAN STRATEN says “it just needs the right script.”

Kristin Bauer van Straten says that there’s no reason for the story to end when it comes to her character, the arch vampire queen Pam – mistress of the withering put-down.

“I probably would [be up for a spin-off],” Bauer van Stragten told us, “especially right now because I love Pam so much.

“I can’t see why True Blood can’t make a movie, when you look back on the shows that did. I just think if we had the right script, then we and the fans would be interested. It all starts with the writing.”

A movie would be the perfect way to cap off the show, as for Bauer van Straten who’s spent five years putting the vamp into vampire, it’s hard to let go.

“I can’t believe I won’t be putting on those corsets and high heels next January,” she admits. “I love this character so much, I could never get bored of her or hanging out with [Eric Northman star Alex] Skarsgård. Every series has to end at some point, unless it’s The Simpsons.

“You’re never sad when something crappy is ending, so it’s a good thing that I’m upset.”

Joe+Manganiello+Premiere+Warner+Bros+Pictures+K0GQOUq_SfClJOE MANGANIELLO says: “I’ve written an Alcide movie spinoff.”

Joe said that he would like to reprise his role of werewolf Alcide Herveaux in the future.

I’d love to play Alcide again,” he said. “In fact, a year ago I started writing a story for an Alcide movie, or comic book series.

“I would love to return maybe in a movie. I would love to do it again.”

Explaining why he would like to return as Alcide, he said:

“I think there’s a lot left on the table that wasn’t explored. At the end of the day, the show had nothing to do with my character for a few years.

“So I think there’s a lot more left to explore, I love the character.”

Asked whether the HBO series could have continued, he added:

“I think it’s the right time. I think any longer then it would have been – excuse the pun – squeezing blood from a stone.”

Manganiello also revealed that he did not particularly enjoy his character’s story arcs over the past couple of seasons.

sources: and

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