Kodak Kodak has launched its new smart TV series in India, named Kodak SE. This special edition series includes smart TVs ranging from 24 inches to 40 inches. All these smart TVs have a great display with a powerful processor. Apart from this, connectivity features like 30W powerful speakers and HDMI have also been provided in the new smart TV.
Features available in Kodak SE series TVs
The Special Edition Smart TV is available in 24-inch, 32-inch and 40-inch screen sizes. Their resolution is HD. 20W speakers have been given in 24-inch TVs, while 30W speakers are available in 32 and 40-inch TVs. Along with this, connectivity features like Miracast, Wi-Fi, USB and HDMI port have been provided in Smart TV.
other specs
OTT apps like Prime Video, Sony Liv, Zee5, YouTube and Netflix have been supported in Kodak’s Smart TV. In addition, the TV packs 512MB of RAM and 4GB of internal storage.
how much new smart tv cost
The Kodak SE series smart TVs will be available on the company’s official website and shopping platform. Amazon India Can be bought in 24 inch, 32 inch and 40 inch screen sizes. The price of this smart TV lineup starts from Rs.6,499.
Amazon Great Summer Sale details
Apart from launching the Kodak SE Smart TV series, the company has also announced offers on TVs in the upcoming Amazon Great Summer Sale.
According to the company, customers will get 10 percent instant discount on Kodak smart TVs during the sale by paying with ICICI and Kotak Mahindra Bank credit cards. Along with this, no-cost EMI and exchange offer will also be given on Smart TV.
Kodak TVs will be available with these price tags during the sale
24HDX100s – Rs 6,499 022-Rs 22,999, 43FHDX7XPROBL-Rs 16,999, 43UHDX7XPROBL-Rs 19,499, 50CA7077-Rs 27,999 50CAPRO5066-Rs 29,999 50UHDX7XPROBL-Rs 24,999 , 75CA9099-Rs 84,999, 50MT5011-Rs 30,499, 55MT5022-Rs 34,999 and 65MT5033-Rs 53,999.
Let us tell you that Amazon India’s summer sale is going to start from May 4. However, this sale will go live a day in advance for Prime members. During this time, not only smart TVs but also electronic products like smartphones, earbuds, laptops and tablets will get huge discount offers and deals.