Food & Drink Magazine

KNOWvember: Arachnoiditis | Living with Fibromyalgia

By Calvin Eaton @glutenfreechef5

KNOWvember: Arachnoiditis is a pain disorder and the long term outcomes are unpredictable. Surgery only gives short term relief or temporary relief. This illness has no predictable pattern or severity of symptoms. It can become a permanent disability due to the severity of chronic pain that ensues.
Symptoms include numbness, tingling, and a characteristic of stinging and burning pain in the lower back or legs. Some people have debilitating muscle cramps, twitches, or spasms. It can affect bladder, bowel and sexual function. In severe cases paralysis of lower limbs can occur.
Diagnosing Arachnoiditis can be difficult, but MRI’s have helped somewhat. Another test called E.M.G. can assess the severity of the ongoing damage to the affected nerve roots by using electrical impulses and checking nerve function.

Learn more about this condition by visiting:
#KNOWvember #Arachnoiditis Life With Arachnoiditis

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Source: U.S Pain Foundation

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