
Knowing the Different Types of Acne

Posted on the 03 February 2020 by Thiruvenkatam Chinnagounder @tipsclear

Anyone who has been battling acne knows the frustration and exasperation that come with it. And although there are many different kinds of acne treatments available, they are often difficult to find or cost an arm and a leg.

Acne can be very frustrating to deal with as it's such a skin condition and can easily make your life miserable if you don't have clear skin. Many people will resort to the drugstore creams and gels which only mask the symptoms and not the cause of acne. After all, you may be on one type of acne medication and find that the other is not working for you.

The reason why most of us resort to a product like this is that we want to get rid of acne and therefore try to clear up our skin as quickly as possible. The more often we use the same thing, the more likely we are to be frustrated when it doesn't work the first time. So we may keep on using the same acne treatment for several months until it finally gives in to the inevitable.

Hormonal acne products

Another method of treating acne is by using hormonal acne products like Accutane and pills. These are medications that control the level of testosterone in your body and therefore control your acne. Although these products are generally effective, they are usually expensive and have to be taken as a number of times a day.

If you want a more natural method of curing your acne then you can get your acne under control without any of the harsh side effects of the hormonal acne products. But before you try natural methods of treating your acne, you need to know how to recognise the different types of acne.

The most popular type of acne is whiteheads and blackheads. These can be very irritating but thankfully they are very easy to treat. Cause of whiteheads and blackheads are oil glands which lead to infection and therefore cause acne.

Cystic acne

The other type of acne is cystic acne. This is caused by the papules and pustules forming inside the hair follicles. These are annoying and if left untreated will continue to aggravate your acne.

Papules are the blisters that form as the whitehead forms. These develop as pus is produced due to the blockage in the hair follicle leading to infection.

The whitehead can be seen on the top of the head and it is also present at the back of the neck and the front of the face. The blackhead is caused by the blockage of the hair follicle and this causes the pustule to form. These are usually red in colour and many people are quite surprised at the appearance of them.

The last but not least is the large pustule or cyst, which is the most common type of acne. This is usually very painful and requires medical attention.

You may have found that there are many different ways to get rid of your acne. Knowing how to recognise the different types of acne is crucial to being able to choose the best treatment for your needs.

Rare types of acne

When you have many different acne treatments for your acne, you can see that there are rare types of acne treatment. There are even rare types of acne that are not so easy to treat at all. For example, if you have a severe type of acne, you may have to do some serious thinking about what you want to do to cure it. There are a lot of acne types that are just not that easy to handle for most people and they need more than one type of acne treatment to get cured.

Papules Acne - How to Deal With Papules

Papules are zits that appear on the face, chest, back, and other areas. These papules break up into inflamed tissue which develops pus. Often papules occur as a result of irritation to the skin. It is not uncommon for people to experience severe cases of this condition. If your skin is particularly sensitive, it is possible for you to develop papules acne frequently.

Acne is an inflammatory condition that often results in is forming. It can affect people of all ages, but the young are at risk of developing this condition more often than any other group. Acne is not caused by the sun, but due to the accumulation of oil-producing glands. These glands contain excess sebum, an oily substance produced by the sebaceous glands. When sebum is expelled from the pores of the skin, it creates a flow of oil and it is thought that the oily sebum causes clogged pore and the breakage of the cells.


Papules are usually of no concern until they begin to become painful. This pain can be reduced by applying ice or cold compresses to the affected area. The pustule will usually heal on its own within a couple of days. There are, however, several factors that cause apples to become infected. If you suffer from multiple scarring, a severe breakout, or if you get very dirty when washing your face or any other area of your body, you are at risk of developing papules acne. Pustules are more common in women, especially during menstruation. If you have this type of condition, you should be careful to wash your face thoroughly every time you bathe and keep your face dry while you sleep to reduce the likelihood of having a papule outbreak.

Causes of Acne Nodules

Acne nodules are formed due to blocked pores in the skin. It is quite common to have small blockages in the skin which are painful and uncomfortable. The follicle may block during the process of the shedding of the skin. This may lead to the development of a nodule. The initial symptom of acne nodules is very prominent and severe. As time passes by, the nodule will fade away and the acne will come back.

Nodules acne can be dangerous especially if it has already affected the facial region. In most cases, the nodules develop on the face, neck, chest, and back areas. For example, these are the areas where acne develops in most of the cases. Due to the improper hygiene and bad diet, more nodules develop in the body.

Due to acne, the affected person has to avoid from being in tight or open clothing. Also, he has to keep his skin clean and dry all the time. Keeping the skin clean and dry will prevent acne from developing. Drinking ample amount of water will help the body to rid itself of the toxins present in the body. The poor diet also plays a significant role in acne. Although there are no particular foods that will cause acne, there are certain foods that will cause some symptoms like headache, dry mouth, and depression. Also, these foods and others may not be healthy for the skin.

Knowing the Different Types of Acne

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