Food & Drink Magazine

Kitkat Chocolatory Springtime in Japan Review

By Kev A @kevvieguy
Kitkat Chocolatory Springtime in Japan Review

You may have heard in the news recently that KitKat Chocolatory has been launched in the UK - it's a service where you can create your own KitKat bar with different chocolates and fillings, or choose ready made creations. The service is available in selected John Lewis stores as well as York's Chocolate Story, but will soon be more widely available to buy online too!

Kitkat Chocolatory Springtime in Japan Review

I was very lucky to receive some samples recently from KitKat Chocolatory - thanks so much guys! There's some interesting flavours and varieties like Billionares Caramel, Gin and Tonic and more...but today lets start with the Springtime in Japan variety, which consists of 6 wafers coated in Ruby Chocolate, filled with an apple and cherry jam and cherry pieces. It's inspired by the beautiful springtime in Japan.

Kitkat Chocolatory Springtime in Japan Review

Now I'm not a huge fan of Ruby Chocolate, I've had mixed experiences of tasting it thus far so wasn't the most excited about this, however I have to admit it looks very pretty indeed! This is perhaps one of the fanciest Kitkats I've tried in quite a while, and makes me miss the gooey filled KitKat Editions they used to do many years back.

I love how nicely the KitKat is presented in the box, it feels very special indeed and adds to the whole experience. The actual bar is decorated on the back with what I think is meant to be a Japanese tree?

Kitkat Chocolatory Springtime in Japan Review

The taste surprised me. The ruby chocolate actually works very well with the other flavours so they've chosen this pairing very wisely! The cherry and apple compliment each other nicely with the cherry pieces adding some slight tanginess, all balanced with the sweeter Ruby chocolate. The textures are great too - creamy chocolate, crunchy wafer to gooey jam with some chewy fruit pieces. If this is what Springtime is like in Japan then sign me up haha!

Overall, I think this is a great initiative and hopefully Chocolatory will be available in more locations over time. I'll be sure to keep you all posted once they start their online service! Stay tuned for reviews of more flavours...

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