And glorious it will be. This is an album that judging only by its cover by artist Anders Muammar is going to be epic. I turn up the volume to 666 and let the soft piano intro of "Lucifer's Dream" take me away to another realm beyond reality. Everything around me disappears. This is the land of Lovecraft. Tales of worlds beyond our imagination and the dark corners of human consciousness. It is a mind expanding journey where the music on the album is so well composed not only as individual songs but as a whole. It is truly epic. A nice retro feel to it with stoner vibes yes but there is also this strong presence of progressive rock that I really appreciate. And it is all tied together with an excellent production that gives the music all the justice it deserves.
And all the planets are aligned for this. Because this is one of those albums I can't wait to get a hold of on vinyl as the music, the sound and the album cover art will make such a great over all experience. And it is all released by the mighty Ripple Music. Praise Pike. Praise Iommi. Worship Kingnomad!
-The Void