Chances are good that by 2014 your business has embraced a social media presence of some kind. Names like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are well-known and well-used in the business world. But if you want to reach a younger demographic, it’s worth doing a little research into the other social media apps out there – and there are a lot of them. Teens are an important demographic for modern-day communications tools, so it’s worth paying attention to what sites they and 20-somethings frequent.
So where are the kids hanging out?
Mirroring a general trend in social media, younger users are flocking to video- and photo-sharing apps. Younger users are also finding their way to instant-messaging apps, as well as multimedia sharing sites.
- Video-sharing app Vine, which Twitter owns, has seen huge growth in the 16-19 year old set, as has Flickr, a photo-sharing app. Active teen users for Vine grew by 639 percent and for Flickr by 254 percent, according to research. Instagram is also very popular with teens and Millennials.
- WeChat, a Chinese messaging app, saw more than 1,000 percent growth from users in the 16-19 age range, according to GlobalWebIndex’s research – although many of those users are in Asia.
- Snapchat, which allows users to share videos and photos with text that then disappear within 10 seconds, is another social app also seeing a rise in popularity among the younger set.
- Chat apps like Kik and WhatsApp allow teens to use group messaging to communicate instantly, and are also popular among younger teens.
- Pheed is a multimedia app that allows users to create and share text, photos, videos, audio tracks, voice-notes and live broadcasts.