Lifestyle Magazine

Kids At the Wedding-Unpredictable Fun

By Innstilettos
Kids At the Wedding-Unpredictable Fun
Falling all under the same category as the weather, your relatives getting along for the day and kids attending you wedding...there are just some things about your wedding that will be unpredictable.  You never quite know when a crying spell will happen or the next emotional breakdown...and that is just the mothers.
Perhaps only second to the bride, kids are a big attraction of the wedding ceremony.  Who can resist the sweet little girls in their fluffy dresses and the boys looking rather dapper in the small suits.  Yes, we are suckers for these sweeties.
Kids At the Wedding-Unpredictable Fun Kids At the Wedding-Unpredictable Fun  While some children love the limelight, others are less comfortable with it. Kids At the Wedding-Unpredictable Fun  And for others...the whole wedding things can just be a bore. Kids At the Wedding-Unpredictable Fun
The best thing to remember is that even though we dress them up for the big day like little adults...they are kids and their natural instinct will be to act their age.
Kids At the Wedding-Unpredictable Fun
So a little giggling during the serious ceremony might just have to be factored in and even enjoyed as their hearts are filled with the moment.
I think it is also important to remember...especially when there are siblings taking part in the wedding service that brothers and sisters don't always get along.  Don't expect this to change just because there is a wedding going on.
Kids At the Wedding-Unpredictable Fun Kids At the Wedding-Unpredictable Fun  They might also not have read the book of wedding etiquette and be so inclined to taste the cake prior to the actual cutting. Kids At the Wedding-Unpredictable Fun  My personal feeling is this.  By all means, include some very special little people in your ceremony but avoid having your guests bring their little ones.  Weddings were really not meant for children and so keeping it to a select few will take the craziness out of it.  Now there will be unpredictable crying or talking at inappropriate times but learn to laugh.  It's a very big experience for someone very young and all of a sudden they are cast into the limelight.  All of this excitement and attention can really take a lot out of them. Kids At the Wedding-Unpredictable Fun  Kids At the Wedding-Unpredictable Fun And who knows...the next romance might bloom.... Kids At the Wedding-Unpredictable Fun Kisses, Deborah 

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