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if we're (the west) going to interpret the Minds and Motivations of the Ancients of Egypt, or those amazing engineers who built the pyramids the later Pharoahs ego-graffiti'd, shouldn't we actually listen (or receive testimony from) those people who might have been tasked with the Druid-like Oral-tradition of Khemitology (the origin of the term Alchemy).
equates with the five cyclic Ages of Humanity
65,000 BC - 38,000 BC (age of KHEPER "The Dawn")
38,000 BC - 25,000 BC (age of RA "The Stubborn")
25,000 BC - 12,000 BC (age of OON "The Wise")
12,000 BC - 6,000 BC (age of ATEN "The Wiser")
6,000 BC - Nowadays (age of AMUN "The Hidden")
The pyramids were erected in the Age of Ra/Oon i.e. 25,000 BC - so says world-famous Egypt-guide Abd'el Hakim Awyan who seems to know more than a thing or two about Egypt and Energies and What It's All Suppposed to Mean... we should listen to his words. Right?