The staff for Studio Khara‘s new Shin Ultraman (New Ultraman) film announced on Tuesday that the film will open early next summer. Director Shinji Higuchi, scriptwriter Hideaki Anno, and associate director Katsuro Onoue appeared at the opening ceremony of the Sukagawa Archive Center in Fukushima on Tuesday, and made the announcement there. (Sukagawa was the birthplace of Eiji Tsuburaya, the “God of Tokusatsu.”) The center unveiled a 1/33-scale, roughly two-meter-tall statue of Shin Ultraman during the ceremony.
The opening ceremony for the “Tsuburaya Convention 2019” event debuted the first image of the Shin Ultraman last December. In that image below, the titular Ultraman is not wearing a color timer.
Takumi Saitou will play the film’s main character, the man who can transform into Ultraman. Masami Nagasawa will be the partner of the main character. Hidetoshi Nishijima will also star in the film.
Other cast members include:
(Top row, left to right in image above)
(Bottom row, left to right in image above)
Shin Godzilla director Shinji Higuchi and his Higuchi-Gumi team are helming the project, and Evangelion creator Hideaki Anno is in charge of planning and scripts.
A draft of the script was completed on February 5, 2019, and Anno is focusing on the project after completing Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 (Shin Evangelion Gekijō-ban :||), Studio Khara‘s new Evangelion film. TOHO will distribute Shin Ultraman.
Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 (Shin Evangelion Gekijō-ban :||) will open in theaters in Japan on January 23, 2021.
Source: via Hachima Kikō