The most popular recipe on this website is Keto Chocolate Mousse. For several years, it's been getting more visits, likes and shares than any of my other recipes.
Why is it so popular? Perhaps because it's simple, quick and massively high in fat. And chocolate-flavoured.
So can we make it even better? Simpler, faster, more chocolatey? We can certainly try.
Here's my second attempt to create the perfect chocolate-flavoured keto mousse.
Simple? Check - only 4 ingredients.
Quick? Check - you can whip it up it in 2-3 minutes.
Low in carbs? Check - 2g of net carbs per serving.
High in fat? Oh yes - 27g of fat per serving.
Quick note for culinary purists - I realise that technically this recipe is not a mousse, as there is no whipping involved. The texture is more creamy and dense. But it still feels and tastes like a mousse, so I am going to call it that anyway.
What's the secret?
The secret is mascarpone.
Mascarpone is a type of cream cheese. It's the key ingredient in popular desserts like cheesecake and tiramisu. Its rich smooth taste works wonderfully with chocolate flavours.
Mascarpone's texture is similar to standard cream cheeses like Philadelphia. But it is higher in fat (around 45g per 100g / 3.5oz) and lower in carbs (around 1-3g net carbs per 100g / 3.5oz, depending on the brand).
In the UK, most supermarkets stock mascarpone. I used Tesco own-brand mascarpone.
In the USA, BelGioioso mascarpone is available from large supermarkets.
If you can't find mascarpone, you can use a standard cream cheese like Philadelphia instead. But you will then need to recalculate nutritional data for the recipe. It will probably be a bit lower in fat and higher in carbs.
Use sugar-free cocoa powder
I use Green & Black sugar-free cocoa powder
In the USA, good brands for high-quality unsweetened cocoa powder are and Ghirardelli.
If you use a different brand, just make sure it doesn't have any added sugar.
Balancing the flavours in the recipe
The recipe is basically mostly mascarpone cheese. We add cocoa powder for chocolate flavour, a sugar substitute for sweetness, plus a bit of vanilla extract to enhance the taste.
To make the mousse, you just simply mix it all together. So ingredients can be tweaked any way you like. Unlike baked or whipped mousses, quantities don't have to be exact.
So taste the mixture, and adjust ingredients if required.
If it's too bitter, add more sweetener. I think granulated sweetener like Truvia would work better than liquid drops. If it's too sweet, add a bit more cocoa powder and vanilla.
I sometimes add a whole tablespoon of sugar-free vanilla extract, resulting in a nice hint of alcohol as well as vanilla. A very grown-up taste!
Keto mascarpone mousse

Rich and creamy chocolate mousse
Total time: 3 min
Yield: 4 servings
- Mix all ingredients together thoroughly with a spoon or a mixer
- If the mixture is too heavy, add 1-2 spoons of cream
- Check the taste, adjust the amounts of cocoa and sweetener if required
- Spoon out to serving glasses or bowls
Nutritional information
Recipe by Margarita White (@Carbophobic), published on
