Economics Magazine

Kerry Predicts Syria War Will Be Authorized By Congress (Video)

Posted on the 01 September 2013 by Susanduclos @SusanDuclos
By Susan Duclos
53 percent of Americans surveyed this week said the United States should stay out of Syria's civil war, with a Reuters poll, via PolicyMic, showing only 20 percent in favor of America striking at Syria and intervening in Syria's internal issues.
Yet Secretary of State John Kerry is predicting that "We are not going to lose this vote," speaking to the coming debate in Congress on whether to authorize Barack Obama to militarily attack Syria over the use of chemical weapons, to which the Obama Syrian rebels have admitted they, not the Syrian government, are responsible for.
Should Congress authorize Obama to attack Syria, to which Iran has swore to defend with attacks against American interests, and China and Russia both oppose, both of which have financial interests in protecting Iran, possibly kicking off World War III, then each and every representative will be betraying the constituents that elected them and are opposed to America's intervention into Syria's civil war.
Below is the wording of the resolution Obama is asking Congress to approve:
(a) Authorization. — The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in connection with the use of chemical weapons or other weapons of mass destruction in the conflict in Syria in order to –

(1) prevent or deter the use or proliferation (including the transfer to terrorist groups or other state or non-state actors), within, to or from Syria, of any weapons of mass destruction, including chemical or biological weapons or components of or materials used in such weapons; or

(2) protect the United States and its allies and partners against the threat posed by such weapons.
Kerry, being Obama's mouthpiece, has reason to convince Americans that Congress is likely to authorize Obama to bomb Syria.
On the other side, Senator Rand Paul, against the proposal to intervene in Syria and possibly start WW3, says that the Senate, controlled by Democrats, the president's party, will most likely approve the resolution, but that the House has a 50/50 chance of rejecting the resolution.
"I think the Senate will rubber stamp what [Obama] wants but I think the House will be a much closer vote," Paul says. The he continues on to state "And there are a lot of questions we have to ask."
Congress convenes again n September 9, 2013, which leaves those against authorizing Obama to start WW3 just a little over a week to make their voices heard.
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Kerry continues to push the theme that chemical weapons were used against the Syrian people. That is not in dispute, what is in dispute is whether it was Syrian leadership that used it or the Obama Syrian rebels which have publicly admitted to doing it.

Kerry Predicts Syria War Will Be Authorized By Congress (Video)
Cross posted at Before It's News

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