Business Magazine

#KenyaAirways Shows the Way in Social Crm

Posted on the 02 December 2013 by Brawilly @therealbrawilly

Social CRM has become a big part of being on Twitter for many businesses that are social media savvy. Kenya Airways (KQ), the 6th best airline in Africa according to Sky Trax, is one of them.

In this Twitter engagement with a customer on Saturday the 30th of November 2013, KQ provides a perfect example for the saying – you cannot control what is being said about you on Twitter, but you can influence the outcome in your favour

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#KenyaAirways Shows Social
#KenyaAirways Shows Social
#KenyaAirways Shows Social
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Kenya Airways Social CRM Example – 30 Nov 2013 (Source: Tweetdeck)

Noticeably, KQ’s quick response time, professional approach and associated offline action to resolve @VusumuziS’s query ended on a high note. Now the $1 million question: What do you think are the chances that the @VusumuziS will fly KQ again? Better still, what do you think are the chances that he will sing KQ’s praises to family, friends and strangers?

On a parting shot, here are 2 of the benefits that make social CRM preferable to traditional CRM:

  • Complainants’ online profiles can be checked quickly to determine their level of influence, which may determine the approach to dealing with them.

<img src=http://
#KenyaAirways Shows Social
#KenyaAirways Shows Social
#KenyaAirways Shows Social
" height="153" class=" wp-image aligncenter" />

  • Companies that get it right are praised publicly, which can be positive for their brands and possible increase in their business. This is especially the case in the airline business, where referral marketing is a big part.

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