Fashion Magazine

Keeping Your Technology Stylish: Earphones

By Attireclub @attireclub

11 deco-004Technology has become such a great part of our daily lives that it needs to fit in with the rest of the things we use. Being portable and always handy, the gadgets we use today have, with or without our will, become part of our personal style and have the same function as the clothes we wear: communicating others who we are, what our interests are and how we perceive the rest of the world.

Earphones, also known as in-ear headphones or earbuds, generally come along with portable audio devices or telephones. However, many times consumers replace them with models that are a lot better, and more stylish.

We always like to connect fashion and music and it’s interesting how technology seems to be the connector.

Some brands today offer more than just small pieces of technology when it comes to earphones. Meze is a great brand that creates and sells elegant headphones and earphones. Their designs are based on the integration of wooden pieces, which makes them look timeless, versatile and extremely elegant.

They are currently launching their new model called the Meze 11 Deco which has great technical specs, offering you a high quality of sound and they also have a very special design. The earphones have a 3,5 mm gold-plated plug and have a highly elegant enclosure made from beech wood. This helps the sound to be crisp, but warm and natural, therefore giving the user a complete sound experience. What’s also great about them is that they are compatible with a lot of devices, including but not limited to iPhones, mp3 players, DVD-players and more.

Earphones are a more stylish way to listen to your music than headphones. They are a lot more elegant by being discreet and small. You should know that wearing headphones will attract other people’s eyes to them and will make them one of the main pieces of your outfit. The issue here is that headphones, worn in other contexts than in professional ones, for which they are perfect, hardly go with anything but urban clothes. Other advantages of wearing earphones are that they are highly portable, that they offer isolation from other noises, which is perfect if you wear them on the bus, train or plane (but don’t wear them on the street or while jogging, you need to hear what happens around you), and they are also better for people who wear glasses, as otherwise you risk to clutter your face with accessories.

The very elegant Meze 11 Deco

The very elegant Meze 11 Deco

Of course, if you are a music composer or a film editor and wear headphones on the train when working on your laptop or tablet, that is part of your outfit, but right now we are talking about casual, everyday listening to music or podcasts.

What is great is about the earphones in general and the Meze earphones in particular is that earphones can be used as a very versatile piece of accessories. The reason why we like the Meze earphones is because they contain that wooden part which is a great neutral, and can be accessorized with almost anything, especially with casual outfits.


What to look for when buying earphones

When you decide to get a new pair of stylish earphones, there are a few things you should be looking for in terms of style, such as:

Comfort and fit

As technology is more and more integrated in our daily lifestyle and more and more portable, it almost needs to have the same characteristics as a piece of clothing. Comfort and fit are key factors when it comes to earphones: you should only use earphones that feel comfortable and don’t pop out of your ears. Just imagine always having to readjust!


There are not many ways in which you can test the durability of your headphones, except for trusting your seller, looking for reviews and buying something you’ve bought before. To these ways of doing your research, we can also add the price. Generally, when it comes to small pieces of technology such as earphones, you get what you pay for, so don’t expect a very high quality of sound, a very high comfort and a long life from a pair of earphones that’s on the cheap.


Before you decide on purchasing new headphones, you should always check the cables. This might sound obvious and stupid, but sometimes you will find cables that are either too short and don’t reach when you connect them to a certain device, when you stand or in another situation. At the opposite pole, you might find a pair that has such long cables that they will get tangled and twisted no matter what you do and there is no way to shortening them. If you are making an online purchase, you can feel free to ask your seller these details and any other details you might want to find out. Good customer care is always an indicator of good products!



When it comes to technology, there are three main categories of people: those who are extremely tech-savvy, those who know a few things but not all things, and those who don’t know anything. Sweetened response, flat response, EQing and other terms might sound alien to a lot of guys out there, so our advice is not to be embarrassed to ask a tech-savvy friend for help or to learn everything about audio tech yourself should you have the time. If you can’t ask a friend, you can go to an online forum and ask people what parameters you should be looking for.

Frequency rate

One thing you can look out for is the frequency rate, which is an indicator that is supposed to tell you how good the quality of the sound you will be listening to is. A wide frequency range means that you can hear more sounds, anything between 10 Hz and 25,000 Hz is what is often recommended and should do the job. Of course, unless you have them tested professionally or are some kind of sound genius, you can’t tell for sure whether the earphones actually fit the range.


Another factor you should take into consideration is the sensitivity, which refers to how efficient the earphone drivers are in using the received power. Generally, a 95 to 102 dB driver efficiently uses about 4-10% of the power it receives. Sensitivity is rated decibels, but it has nothing to do with the sound quality or volume.


The third technical aspect you can check is the impedance. Low-impedance drivers draw more power from an audio device. Any audio device has a limit to how low or high the impedance can go. Regular mp3 player earphones usually have between 64 and 16 ohms, which is the derived unit in which impedance is measured.

Having a good pair of earphones is becoming more and more important, as people tend to spend their lives on the go or live in crowded environments where they might want to listen to music but not to disturb the people around them. And as these pieces of technology become more and more part of our looks, they should be treated like pieces of accessories as well, as technology can be just as elegant as style and fashion. You know what we always say: elegance can be found in the most surprising of places and contexts.

Fraquoh and Franchomme

P.S. What do you think? Do you treat your gadgets and tech pieces as accessories? What kind of earphones do you like to wear? Share your thoughts in the comments below and, don’t forget, if you liked our article, you can subscribe to our website or follow us on our social media!

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