"most important accessory a woman could own"
I'm sure most of you are aware of how important a handbag is and what a statement it can be to an outfit. They are an accessory category all of their own, and finding the perfect one can become a lifelong endeavour! I have been on a hunt for the perfect handbag for about 4 months now, and it's really difficult!! Finding something that is fashionable, but roomy and not forgetting practical, can be tough. I like to have one main bag that if I dont pre plan my outfit I know I can use that bag and all will be fine. I am aware most women have lots of handbags for various outfits and occassions, I have my trusty accesorize black bow bag for daily use, then have my Vivienne Westwood handbag for the summer and special outtings. With my black bow bag Its been used a lot, I got it about 2 years ago and its been a classic so have kept using it. It's starting to fall apart so the time has come to move on.... As it's been gorgeously sunny I've decided to invest in a summer handbag...
I'm in LOVE with this bag!
I couldn't think of a better bag to use for the sunny months that we have coming. Light in color with pastel hints and a decent size... what is not to love! It looks like it would certain fit the kitchen sink in and my hat stand so it will certainly be a winner for SS12! Make sure you have a look at how beautiful this Next Snake Effect Bag is for a bargain of £28.00
Now I know what you'll be thinking when I suggest the next bag... I know this year is the year of the Olympics and what a better way to support being British than with a handbag. I love this as its fun and colourful and obviously with our flag!
If you'd prefer more girlie colours but still want to remain patriotic then look no further... This is the Next Boutique Pink Floral Jack handbag it's beautiful and only £26.00 If you dont fancy prints you can keep it much more simple but still quirky with this Made with Love Cluster Flower bag. It comes in a very neutral beige color and a summery Coral. A great size for everyday use and is £32 If you do love your prints, then honestly look no further. Next SS12 range has two of my most favorite prints. I love light colours and items with some character. The one above is the Flamingo Across Body Bag - ideal for upcoming festivals maybe? This is £18.00
If any of you know me... you'll know this is a true favorite of mine in the printed collection. This is the Butterfly Shopper - and is ideal for ladies (like myself) who cart the world with them on their shoulders! Its spacey, pretty and ideal for the sunny days! It's £30.00
You know I said I wasn't sure what bag I was looking for... I may now be a bit spoilt for choice!!
Roll on Summer!