I love exercising and keeping fit, I feel so refreshed and energized after a workout. It’s important for everyone to keep fit no matter what size you are. I’m a naturally thin person and lots of people say to me “you don’t need to work out, you’re so thin!” There is a misconception that people that are thin are not required to exercise but this couldn’t be further from the truth.
Its good to keep active and keep your heart healthy. I hate seeing things like “curvy girls are best” “skinny is best” etc, nobody should feel put down over their size, as long as your happy with the way you look that’s all that matters.
A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to win the Pink Monkey competition. I won this pretty running hat. Pink Monkey is a women’s fitness clothing online shop, 50% of whatever you purchase goes to charity.
"Whether you are browsing for a new exercise outfit or a gift for someone special, you should know that 50% of the profits of whatever you purchase will go to a charity that we have partnered with. Doesn’t that seem like a good reason to go shopping for women’s running wear?"

Hat-Pink Monkey Pink Top-karrimor Trousers-karrimor Trainers-Donnay
I bought my fitness clothes from Sports direct so I've left some links above in case your interested in having a look.
I enjoy yoga, running and aerobics. My favorite fitness guru is Jillian Michaels she has a great range of dvds and they're great at putting you through your paces! Thank for reading!