* Note, I was recently chided for my doctor for investing in too much new items for my little one, sigh.
Now, my stand is...it is okay to use some second-hand items if a) it doesn't come into contact with the baby much and b) it is thoroughly washed. But from my experience, I notice some items just can't be washed. Nonetheless, they still have to be wiped down. So I came across the baby-friendly disinfectant.

You may wonder why baby-friendly and what is the difference? The thing about babies they might lick the things they are exposed to. Alcohol wipes / Febreeze just isn't safe enough for them. Call me kiasu, but I needed something that can kill germs and yet is safe if consumed by baby. And here comes Acquassimo to rescue. We got the bigger bottle (for home) and the smaller spray bottle (to bring around) as it is lighter. Acquassimo is as safe as drinking water and doesn't have to be rinsed off. It can even be used on the baby's feeding equipment and used as a mouthwash!
So far, I am using Acquassimo on all the relative-blessed bulkier items that cannot be washed (this includes the pram and the baby cot). Similarly for the bulky new items, we also gave them a good spray because god knows what happened to them at the factory (i.e. stroller, safety seat). For those baby products that can't be washed, we also gave them a good spray (i.e. baby shoes, baby woven toys, husk pillow and baby nest).

My only grouse would be that this product isn't sold in cartons and there are no refill packs available (I have been growing kinda of green lately...lol). Other than that, I really love using this because I do have quite a bit of unwashable items. Sometimes, instead of spraying direct, we would spray on the wet wipe before cleaning the baby items so that the surface is thoroughly covered. (Learnt this from the Hubs).
I have been sharing this product with some other germophobic mummies (yes it is great knowing I am not the only crazy woman out there!) And they were raising other concerns such as should we hang this by the side of the cot so that visitors can spray their hands before touching the baby (honestly, I didn't even think that far). So, I am a bit bummed that there are no carton options because if I were to bring one bottle to the hospital and hang another by baby's cot. I am presuming this is going to run out faster than I can imagine.
Let me know what you think...do you think I am over-reacting or do you think we actually need carton options from Acquassimo?