Dear Readers,
I can’t keep calm because my life is so full
No. In all seriousness and honesty I’ve missed you all immensely. These last few months have been a whirlwind to say the least. From moving into not one but two new business spaces, organizing, remodeling, forming new alliances, tweaking said alliances, buying a new car, planning events, an expo, curriculum writing, teaching, networking, learning, liking, loving, sharing, reading and a ton of other totally awesome A+mazing things in between, my first love; the love that started it all got pushed way to the side.Of course, I can never stay away too long and promise a week’s worth of new blog posts, recipes, reviews, and musings. Featured writers have been summoned and they too are getting back to what we do best. I love you all and I thank and pray for each and every one of you for putting up with me and my madness as well as for joining me in this crazy, hectic, never ending ride called life.
With Love,