Debate Magazine

Keep Calm and Bumble On

Posted on the 02 November 2013 by Mikelumish @IsraelThrives

Daphne Anson’s blog cross posted this article by Douglas Murray at The Commentator
Often there are columns like this that ring the bell about the threat of some particularly violent, oppressive and intolerant strain Islam that’s poised to succeed and we’re always left with some pointless finger pointing about what those other Muslims should do about it. While reminding ourselves that they haven’t so far and likely never will. And that either by civil war or flat out re-population  they’re going to win.  All the while we are scolding our leaders who are already in bed with fanatics for not doing something about it.
In many ways it’s reflective of the middle class response to Bolshevism in its early days.  Lenin took over the Russian Empire with barely a hundred thousand men and women. But that was the easy part. The hard part was their wholesale upending of society over time so that Russian society was unrecognizable were one to compare 1905 and 1925. I’m sure the middle class and the Mensheviks scoffed at the activities of a few thousand revolutionaries. After all THEY were enlightened THEY had the nation’s bests goals and intentions.
Or one could use the analogy of East Germany following WW2 – still ostensibly  “Germany” filled with Germans who understood German culture and history but with relatively little effort they were all turned into a police state where everyone spying on everyone else was the norm in the style of the Soviets.  I’m sure too when the Berlin Wall went up the ‘liberals’ in East Germany told each other it would all blow over and anyway, wasn’t it all America’s fault for being so….American?
This is likely what will happen to England, France, Holland, Belgium and ultimately – Russia itself. Slowly over time the people who scream the loudest about killing everyone else will be met with the obligatory middle class “Well they can’t ALL possibly be that bad, that can’t all mean that. Keep Calm and Carry On.”
The problem is that ignoring threats is not an adequate defense of your culture. Imagining that Sudan would rather be London than all the Sudanese in London would rather be Mogadishu is a mistake. Often a fatal mistake.  It took Soviet Russia barely 2 years to come into being and 75 years to disintegrate of its own accord. It took less than a year for East Germany to turn into East Germany and 45 years for it to grind to an exhausted stop.  I suspect that England, (or France or Holland or Belgium or ALL of them like an Islamic Warsaw Pact) will soon reach a political tipping point where the switch from England to political Islam will be in the blink of an eye and it will be decades or a century for the whole failed Medieval disaster to implode on its own.  For the first year after it happens, middle class Brits will argue amongst themselves whether it’s really any sort of worry at all. But it will have already long passed the point where they matter.

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