Life Coach Magazine

Keen Kids

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

Keen Kids

Kids have it hard too when they are underestimated and treated unfairly by adults. They go through things in life too and need to be heard and taken seriously at times.

Youngsters who are just plain bright as well as those individuals who were born with second-sight are often wise in a fashion that others don’t always want to readily accept.

Some kids are even born smarter or more reasonable than their parents, and I know, because my mother was much smarter than her own mother and she was the mother to me that she never had.

I was told flat out by a psychic many years ago that certain people didn’t appreciate my knowledge as a grown up.

I understand completely. As a child I was very advanced often knowing and understanding a lot about life and situations than people much older than me did.

Many of these adults and older people, of course, didn’t consider themselves to be lacking within judgment, information, and experience when it came to understanding things and the things that concerned the anomalous nature of certain types of individuals as well as the complexities and unprecedented circumstances within life itself.

And, if some were actually aware, they didn’t want to acknowledge me in that particular light or rank.

They preferred to form their own misconstrued assumptions and to generalize only to reinforce the illusion of what they desired to perceive.

Not everyone had or displayed a bias or resentful attitude toward me just the ignorant, insecure, and sick-minded ones, even at this present time embarrassment and false pride forbid them to verbally recognize their errors and admit to disappointment instead they conveniently explain that, “No one knows everything” or “Everyone has a long way to go within learning”.

All just to detract and to minimize the fact that they were stupid, a scapegoat for pure bullshit.

I always thought it was beautiful to see highly talented or intuitive children of all origin. Of course, no matter how ahead a child is they still need proper guidance and direction from a nurturing parent, I sure did.

Bottom line is we’re never too old or too young to uncover something within life or to discover from one another just as long as we’re picking up information from a reliable source.


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