Politics Magazine

Kavanaugh Lied To Congress - That's Impeachable!

Posted on the 16 September 2019 by Jobsanger
Kavanaugh Lied To Congress - That's Impeachable!Brett Kavanaugh now sits on the Supreme Court. He is on it because the Republicans claimed they
had the FBI do a "full and fair" investigation., and that investigation found Kavanaugh was innocent of the sex abuse charges he had been accused on.
The charges was just the attempted rape accusation. There was also an accusation of him dropping his pants and waving his penis in a young women's face. Now we learn that wasn't the only time he did that at a drunken campus party.
During his confirmation hearing, Kavanaugh denied the accusation. He said it didn't happen, and if it had, it would have been the talk of campus.
Well guess what. It WAS the talk of campus. The young woman had at least 25 witnesses to testify to it. And the FBI was told of those witnesses, but did not interview them. Why? Because the FBI was instructed by the Trump Justice Department to interview only the witnesses approved by the Republican majority on the Senate committee.
It turns out, that as we expected, the investigation was neither full nor fair. If it had been, Kavanaugh would have been exposed. That means that Kavanaugh lied to the Senate (a crime).
Being a drunken pervert as a young man many years ago is not an impeachable offense. But lying to Congress is impeachable -- and now that more is known, Kavanaugh should be FULLY investigated and impeached.
It won't happen though. It won't happen because he is rich, privileged, white, male, and Republican -- and to McConnell and his GOP henchmen, no one with those attributes can do anything wrong.

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