All the Missing Girls by Megan Miranda
A great psychological thriller, this story is actually told in reverse (Day 6, Day 5, etc.) leading up to the end...or the beginning? Two women disappear a decade apart, and there are strong reasons to believe that the disappearances are connected. I didn't become completely comfortable with the format, but the story itself was very gripping, and I definitely recommend this book.

Born a Crime by Trevor Noah
Be forewarned: this is not the smart, political comedy that you're used to from the host of The Daily Show. Instead Noah goes way back to share the story of his childhood in South Africa (with touches of humor thrown in, of course). I read most of this book sitting in the ER, and learning about what life was like for a mixed race boy growing up as apartheid ended (he was literally born a crime - it was illegal for a white person and black person to have a child together) really helped keep my minor medical issues in perspective. Noah is a great storyteller, and I have my fingers crossed for a "Coming to America" sequel.

I See You by Clare Mackintosh
I recently recommended Mackintosh's I Let You Go, and her new novel, where normal women face danger after unknowingly appearing in classified ads - did not disappoint. Throughout the first few chapters I was impatient to get to know the characters and see how everything was connecting, but once the story got rolling it was very compelling...let me know if you correctly guess whodunnit before the end!

Collateral Beauty
This tear-jerking drama has an all-star cast including Will Smith, Edward Norton, Kate Winslet, Helen Mirren, Naomie Harris and Keira Knightley. Smith's character deals with the deal of a child by writing letters to Time, Death and Love...who then come visiting in human form. I loved this movie, and the gentle twists and turns within. It might be what you expect, and it might not.

There's another all-star cast in this animated film (Matthew McConnaughey, Reese Witherspoon, Seth MacFarlane, John C. Reilly, Scarlett Johansson, the list goes on) about a koala bear hoping to save his theater by staging a singing competition. After the movie ended, 10-year-old Liv turned to me and said, "I think the main idea of the movie was perseverance," which is not only true, but a great message to share with kids. And the popular music selections are fun for children and adults alike! A great family movie.

This film is now available to rent, and I really enjoyed it. It's the true story of Captain Chesley Sullenberger (portrayed by a white-haired Tom Hanks) and his emergency plane landing in New York's Hudson River after a bird strike takes out the plane's engines. (During the landing scene, my sweet husband turned to me and asked, "When are you flying to London again?" Such a comedian.) All 155 passengers and crew survive (which shouldn't be a spoiler if you were following the news in 2009) and Sully is hailed as a hero, yet the his actions are heavily questioned, which forms the basis of the movie. I always wonder how much truth is in "true story" movies like this one - did Sully really have a fortune-cookie fortune in his wallet saying, "A delay is better than a disaster"?

Star Wars Rogue One
I'm not a die-hard Star Wars fan, but my girls love the franchise so we took them to see this film. I'm pretty sure no one needs my recommendation - if you're into the movies you've already seen it - but I do want to mention that I found the last scene very meaningful. If you're seen it, you know what I mean.