(I'm trying to work my way through the Oscar nominees!)
Jennifer Lawrence was brilliant but to me (and my three companions) the movie - a true story - would have been more inspirational (and therefore less depressing) if the success part was more than an afterthought in the film. Also we wish Bradley Cooper had a bigger role.
Something in my genes leads me to be fascinated by the Irish immigrant story, and I love Saiorse Ronan as an actress. I'd love to know what others think of the "love story" of the led to a lot of post-movie discussion, but my conclusion is that it's refreshing to see Hollywood share a love story that's not so Hollywood-perfect.

Disturbing, moving and yet very beautiful (it's the story of a young woman who gives birth to and raises a child while held in captivity by her kidnapper) - and I was impressed that it did justice to Emma Donoghue's book. I don't often feel that way about movies based on books. (Read the book first though, if you can.)
Sweet Misfortune by Kevin Alan Milne
This was a cute, light story. It reminded my of Irish chick lit, which always seems to involve a woman running a bakery, and has an interesting twist near the end that I sort of saw coming, but not exactly.
My Name Is Lucy Barton by Elizabeth Strout
This bestselling book is built around a mother's extended visit with her adult daughter who is in the hospital, but travels back and forth in time exploring the intricacies of family relationships. It's a quick read, but that's certainly not to be confused with a light read. There's a lot to process and think about.
I just had to show my new watch, picked up as part of a 3 for $10 deal at Ardene. As I said when I shared this pic on social media, I'm all about the high/low shopping.

Have a fantastic February!