I’ve been in blogging hiatus for almost 2 years and oh boy there are so many things that I’ve missed especially writing my journal of bike adventures, hiking with friends and those daily bike to work experiences. Well, here I am trying to come back to the blogging scene and hopefully will try to venture doing vlogging series or video blogging, we will see about that hahaha.
First off, allow me to share some pictures that was taken during this year 7-Eleven Trail Series 2019 at Timberland Heights, San Mateo, Rizal the known Mountain Biking Capital of the Philippines because of it’s world class trails and it is getting even better because trail builders are doing their best to maintain and add more fun to our trail riding experience and this photos that has not been post in here, hope you will like it.
What topic do you want to me start writing again? Please like, share and leave comment below and I will definitely respond to you. Cheers!