Food & Drink Magazine

Kallo Milk Chocolate & Coconut Rice Cakes

By Kev A @kevvieguy
Kallo Milk Chocolate & Coconut Rice Cakes
I do love anything with coconut added to it, so when I spied these Kallo Milk Chocolate & Coconut Rice Cakes for only 39p in Heron Foods I bought them immediately. They're currently on a 3 packs for £1 deal so it seems like they have a lot they need to get rid of.
Kallo Milk Chocolate & Coconut Rice Cakes
They're simply just plain rice cakes with a thin layer of milk chocolate and some dessicated coconut sprinkled over the top. They tasted nice enough, they're a great snack and the coconut definitely makes them less boring than a regular chocolate rice cake. But they could've been better...they really needed more coconut!
Overall, not a bad snack at all and they definitely make a nice change from regular chocolate rice cakes, but hopefully they'll add more coconut to the recipe in future!
7.5 out of 10.

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