Police said they arrested a bleary-eyed Bieber — smelling of alcohol — after officers saw him drag-racing before dawn Thursday on a palm-lined residential street in Miami Beach, his yellow Lamborghini traveling at nearly twice the speed limit.
He later admitted smoking marijuana, drinking and taking a prescription medication, police said.
He was investigated for wrongdoing in California but has never been arrested or charged. He is currently under investigation in a felony vandalism case after a neighbor reported the pop star threw eggs at his house and caused thousands of dollars of damage.
Bieber is also being sued by a former bodyguard who says the singer repeatedly berated him, hit him in the chest and owes him more than $420,000 in overtime and other wages.
He is going to be the next big star found dead all alone though drink and drugs. He needs to get rid of all the hangers on and get someone reliable to look after him, and take care of all his needs.