Pets Magazine

Justice 4 Patrick

By Ciciwriter @suemagic

Are we ever going to see Kisha Curtis go to Jail???  will she ever be charged for abandoning, neglecting and starving Patrick nearly to death?  We are patiently waiting for the wheels of justice to play out, but it seems that every time Curtis goes to court, there is another delay in sentencing her. Patrick is safe and being well loved and taken care of, thankfully. AND how long this case is taking to resolve seems endless.  Sigh.  Just want a verdict already.  Was there one today??? Waiting patiently to hear the word. As soon as I see credible, confirmed info, I will post it right here…

 Capt. Yocum of the NJ SPCA

Important that everyone stay focused on the most impotant issue involved in this case, and that is Patrick. Obviously the Defense Attorney will do everything within reach to delay the case moving forward as well as try to use any information he can get that might shine any positive light on his client. Do not over react to media reports or articles that are circulated in the press. The facts and evidence in this case are clear and although it has dragged on for what seems forever, in the end I believe justice will be served. Thank you to the supporters that were in Court today (you all ROCK) Patrick is sound asleep right now and does not have a care in the world. Capt TRULY APPRECIATES all of the continued support for both Patrick and NJSPCA……………Just sayin………….. Capt

Justice 4 Patrick

“An attorney for the woman charged with tossing Patrick the pit bull down a Newark high-rise trash chute last year has filed a motion seeking records from the state Division of Youth and Family Services, about its dealings with her three children…

“Superior Court Judge Joseph Cassini III set the next court date for Aug. 27, when he will decide whether the information, which would otherwise remain sealed, may be used to supplement Curtis’ pretrial intervention application.”

“Kisha Curtis, accused of starving Patrick, is scheduled to be sentenced today at the Essex County Court House in Newark, NJ. Curtis admitted to tying Patrick to a staircase on the 19th floor and leaving him there without food or water when she moved out of the State of NJ but denies throwing Patrick down a garbage chute from the 19th floor of a 22-floor building in Newark, NJ in March 2011.

Kisha Curtis was indicted of a Fourth Degree Animal Cruelty by the New Jersey Grand Jury. Her sentence, if found guilty, can carry up to 18 months in jail and a up to a $10,000 fine. Curtis was made an offer by the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office where she would serve up to 18 months in prison, a $5,000 fine and 30 days community service. Curtis is now asking to be placed in a Pretrial Intervention Program (PTI), where she would not have a criminal record for abusing Patrick. She would be rehabilitated to correct her behavioral problems. PTI would reduce the burden on the court and allow resources to be devoted to more serious criminals. This would seem to benefit all involved except for the animals neglected/abused in New Jersey. In this State, it is difficult for Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) agents and Animal Cruelty Investigators (ACIs) to prosecute animal abuse cases since the victims and the witnesses are often the animals themselves.

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