To celebrate the forthcoming October’s Month of the Macabre (don’t forget that you can still sign up to contribute here) we are releasing some brand-new Halloween and horror designs. We teased you on Instagram with a clue about one of our designs yesterday and now we are ready to premier them!
Our first up is a basic design whose style we are most excited about:

The next one is specifically for fans of the Scream franchise:

Everyone knows the rules for what you can’t do in a horror movie if you want to stay alive, right? Then why do so many people die?!

What annoys horror fans who only see the movies and don’t read the books? When they don’t get it right!

We decided to expand into a whole other nerdy arena: video games. And of course, we started with the best horror video games, Silent Hill!

American Horror Story has always been our exception to this strictly-only-books blog rule and now we’re extending that exception to our Etsy shop as well: