Food & Drink Magazine

Just Look at What I Created!

By Mariealicerayner @MarieRynr
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I just have to show you what I recently received via the Post.  Yep that is a cookbook that was created using some of my favorite recipes here on the blog!  Don't you just love the cover?  I know! Sooo cute!   It's a nice size (A4) with a hard back glossy cover and ring binding, perfect for laying out flat to read and cook from.
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There is a complete index of recipes with their titles and page numbers . . .
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And included on each page, along with the recipe there are lovely recipe photos (my own of course) as well as highlighted handy tips . . .
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As well as handy keys stating serving size and prep and cooking times!  Plus it's been published in France, not in China.  (That's a real plus in my books!)
And where did I get this you ask?   Why it was created myself on the Gourmandize UK-Ireland site.
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If you have a blog, or you like a blog, or you even like recipes and want to, you can very easily create your own book too.
Gourmandize books are designed by you. As such, they are perfect for Mothers and Fathers Day, birthdays, Christmas, graduations, retirement parties and even just for yourself to cuddle like a proud parent and then place on your shelf, where you can gaze at it admiringly every time you walk past!!
For more information do check out Gourmandize UK-Ireland.  It's easier than you think!  Right now they have a Limited Time offer on as well!  
Right now you can:
Sign up and receive a voucher code to create one free cookbook with your personal recipes! (See below *)
From 10 recipes to make a small A5 format book
From 25 recipes make the classic square format
And from only 40 recipes you can make the A4 Deluxe Edition - each format entirely free incl. p&p!    
* We are offering free cookbooks to promote the launch of our site, limited to one book per member. Sign up to receive a voucher code valid for 90 days after registration to make your free book. Books are available from a minimum of 10 original recipe submissions to the site. The format you can order cost-free is determined by the number of recipe submissions to the site. After this offer our cookbooks will be available via purchase only. This is an offer to aid the promotion of our site.

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